Varnishes and paints
Primer GF-021
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According to its technical characteristics and composition, GF-021 primer belongs to the group of surface alkyd paints and varnishes. In addition to organic varnish, the composition includes dyes, fillers, solvents, stabilizers and driers. The main purpose of the material is the preliminary preparation of metal and wood before applying various enamels.
GF-021 is a liquid based on alkyd varnish with the inclusion of solid particles. The composition and technical characteristics are regulated by the state standard.
For priming metal and wooden surfaces for coating with various enamels (including - АS, GF, OS, SO, U, NС, AK, CV, PF).
Primer GF-021 is used in a complex coating with many decorative and finishing paints and varnishes. Coating systems with GF-021 primer are universal for outdoor and indoor use. Complexes with primer GF-021 are highly resistant to climatic influences in urban and industrial atmosphere, to mineral oils and greases. Also, the GF-021 primer can be used as an independent coating under the same conditions. When using the primer GF-021, the consumption of finishing coatings in light colors is reduced. The film formed by the primer is characterized by high adhesion to the substrate, it is elastic, while it has good strength, hardness, resistant to solutions of salts and mineral oils, to the action of general-purpose nitro enamels, resistant to temperature changes from minus 45°C to + 60°C ...
Primer GF-021 belongs to universal materials, is used in a complex coating with many putties and finishing enamels, and can also be used as an independent coating for outdoor and indoor use. The use of a primer ensures the resistance of the coating systems to mineral oils and greases. Before use, the primer GF-021 is diluted with a solvent, xylene or a mixture of one of them with white spirit in a ratio of 1: 1 by weight; when painting products in an electric field, the primer is diluted with RE-4V thinner. The degree of dilution of the GF-021 primer with a solvent should be no more than 20% of the primer mass. Primer GF-021 is applied prepared to the surface by pneumatic and airless spraying, by spraying in an electric field, by spray or by a brush, at an ambient temperature of +5°С to + 35°C and a relative humidity of no more than 85%. Drying time of the GF-021 primer at a temperature of (20 ± 2)°C - 24 hours. The primer may be dried at a temperature of (105 ± 5)°C for 35 minutes.
Primer GF-021 is stored in a tightly closed container, protected from moisture, heat and direct sunlight at temperatures from minus 40°C to + 40°C.
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