Chemical products

Isomethyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride

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Isomethyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride IMTHPHA

Isomethyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride, IMTHPHA is an easily crystallizing (below 20 ° C) liquid, readily soluble in gasoline, toluene, acetone, ether; upon absorption of water, it transforms into the corresponding acid. When IMTHPHA is stored below 20°C, its crystallization is allowed. In this case, it must be warmed up at a temperature of 50 - 60°C until the crystals disappear.


— as a hardener in the curing of epoxy resins and compositions based on them, including for the insulation of high-voltage electrical equipment;
— for the manufacture of impregnating, potting and sealing compounds;
— in the radio engineering, electrical industry, etc.

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